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Writer : Cameron Miller
Contact writer at : Mind@frontiernet.net
Location : Livonia, USA
Received : 06/12/2000

Birds of Truth

Utopic music radiates from within,
Forthcoming illustrious strands of music
Form a harmonic convergence.
Amplitudinous music increases their earthly illumination,
With plumage shimmering of erratic natural colors
Grace and harmony encompass their enlightening presence.
An auspicious wave of purity forms a celestial dawn...
When these magnificent creatures
Awake to greet the day of truth.

Forgotten Eulogy

Words dance among a mire of time and space,
Sifting through a void of memories...
Lost in an erratic blend of emotions.
Isolated in a labyrinth of past events,
Intrinsically woven in unchartered depths of the soul.
Vitalized with iridescent opalescence,
Entwined in antiquated illumination...
Instilled with radiating spiritual opulence.

Illusional Living

Illusions of grandeur crept into my soul...
Enlightening visions of triumph encompassed my being.
The future was illuminating
Days went by in mirages of contentment,
Brilliant black, wretched lightning struck
Harsh reality entered my soul.
I danced with destiny
Never winning, always conceding...
Only living in a tainted world.
Life drifted along meandering corners,
Through soulless events
The spiritually opulent sun
Exonerated all despair,
And became my guiding light.

Golfing against Nature

Idyllic visions of sand dunes and pine diffuse into my mind...
Harsh graphite reality interrupts this favorable fantasy.
A crestfallen apple tree displays tainted fruit,
Perplexing wind enhances life's inconsistent trajectory.
Forlorn temperatures seize my soul...
Blighted soil beckons pure, naive, exterior garments,
Impending rain clouds forsake the deliverance of the sun.
Cunning, manipulative grass exonerates my confident stride,
Elements of subversion
Entwine my convoluted essence in a labyrinth,
Of anguish and deceit.
Unforgiving rain douses my pride...


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