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Name : Sue Simpson Email :
Location : Cumbria, England Date : 28/07/2002

Creeping up from behind

She sat on the boulder looking out at the ocean. She was pensive and the sea was unsympathetic to the weight beneath her thoughts. The waves buffeted her hopes and took them far beyond the breakers to swim with the dolphins. In her dreams she would love to swim with the dolphins.

He was a good man, kind and gentle. She had been drawn to his shy demeanour, his awkwardness around women, and his lack of savvy in the wicked ways of the world. She was amused and delighted by his clumsy way with words, as he tripped and stumbled over the cobbled syllables of the simplest phrases. She smiled as she remembered telling him that she liked him and was glad he was her friend, and of how he muttered and mumbled that he liked her too. She felt happy as she saw in her memory the fierce blush that had darkened his cheeks. He hadn't the slightest notion of how attractive that spread of colour had appeared to her. Such was his naivety.

It was this and so much more that had crept up on her from behind, catching her unawares. How odd that this man had drawn from her feelings of tenderness and, yes eventually arousal. He was so different from the other men in her life, who were brash and confident. Powerful in their musk of manhood. With classic looks and hard bodies.

She had been younger then, Slimmer. Less worn by a world that still had ugliness to show her. When her insecurity had forced her to probe his thoughts, he had said that he was unconcerned by her lack of beauty. She grinned as she had said it was just as well. Her feelings for him rose along with her admiration.

They talked everyday, each a rock to support the other in times of trouble. She was strong. He was gentle. Both providing the words the other needed. As their friendship grew they discovered shared interests, A love of art, music, literature. The man and woman harbouring a desire to be liked and accepted by each other and the world.

They had come here that day and had sat on the rock that she now rested on alone. Separately and together, they sent their dreams out to sea to swim on the back of dolphins. The dreams returned to them refreshed.

His hand had rested loosely on his denim clad knee as they talked of their tomorrows. Made brave by the swell of the sea, and the romance of the moment, she took her forefinger and brushed it gently across the back of his hand. It was a barely perceptible stroke, Just the breeze of a caress. His hand went rigid, tensed; she looked into his eyes, worried at the lack of response. She was amused to see that he looked terrified, not repulsed.

“Are you Happy?” She asked, her breath halted in anticipation of his answer.

“Oh yes”

She relaxed her breathing and smiled at him.

“Come here” he said opening his arms to allow her within.

She moulded into his big body that she had always known would be comfortable.
He smelled nice, male with a waft of sea.
She breathed him. Moving closer into the strength of his arms. Her lips danced lightly across his neck just below the ear and she smiled as she felt his breath catch in his chest.

They stayed like that a little time, each adrift with their thoughts.
Sitting alone on the rock again she tried to remember who had broken the magic of the embrace but all she could remember was moving into a looser hold and being held by his warm brown eyes. Those eyes came to her mind again now. Eyes that were oval portals of perceptive intelligence. That day all she had seen was her own reflection moving towards him.

Their mouths met in a kiss that was long and pleasurable. His hands stroked in rhythmic circles on her back, hers slid into his hairline, caressing his head and neck.
It was not the kiss she had intended. She had wanted their first kiss to be gentle, a mere brush of her barely parted lips to his. A soft kiss, perfect in its innocence and simplicity.

All too soon it was time to leave. She kissed him again as they said their goodbyes.
He was gone, and time shifted its cogs adjusted its settings and it was as though he had never been.

Darkness snuffed out the warmth within her. She could feel it inside her. A tear rolled unhampered down her cheek.

She thought back to his frigid hand, stiff and unyielding beneath her most tender touch. Shame burned her cheeks as she remembered his blush. She had mistaken his distaste for a delicious fear of anticipation, and had taken his disgust to be the shy sensitivity that had so attracted her.

She bit down on her lip to hold back a sob, as she relived the moment he had held his breath when her lips had touched his neck. Had they felt like the icy kiss of dread to him?

He had held her and met her kiss firmly; there was no denying that. Maybe he just wanted to see if any physical feelings could emerge.

She admired his honesty when he told her that he hadn’t felt any romantic feelings towards her. She hated deceit above all else. Yet she had been all too willing to deceive herself.

She sent out her hopes and dreams to swim with the dolphins. Her dreams did not return and rejection crept up from behind.

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